Our Services

3 Day Selection
3-5 Day Service
This service provides air travelers with a cost competitive option to airline baggage fees, along with the added convenience of hands-free travel. Essentially Bag Voyaage founders worked diligently to provide a low cost, reliable service while maximizing travel value. Bag Voyaage is the only company offering reasonably priced, hands-free transportation throughout the continental US.

Economy Package
4-5 Day Economy Service
Want to save money? Bag Voyaage also offers an alternative economy service. Customers still enjoy the benefits of hands free travel with added savings!

Luggage Locks
Don’t have a luggage lock? No worries, we will expedite one to you for only $10.

A Bag Voyaage luggage tag is shipped with every piece of luggage we transport. The tag will have customer contact information and Bag Voyaage logo associating your luggage with the hands-free travel experience.